
Ambika Rajyagor

Special Needs Advocate, Feminist, Nature-Lover, and Garlic Bread Enthusiast.

On here, you’ll see the culmination of all of my creative projects— from my personal writings and blogs, to my travel guides, health and self -care tips, and my Community Service Club, Do Good Things Club.

Ganges Gal is more than just me— it’s also a platform for my fellow friends and inspirations to use their voice! Check out my “Featured Writing” page to see their awesome work.

If you’d like to collaborate on a project, check out my small business, Ganges Gal Creative!

I hope you enjoy your visit! There’s really something for everyone on here.

Welcome to my *New* Health & Self-Care Section!

It’s 2020. We’re way past when it was socially unnaceptable to talk about what was actually going on our lives. It’s about time we talked it out! There are so many resources for health, self-care, and growth out there, and I want to be one of them!

The internet is a vast sea of never-ending knowledge, and as a fan of always having this knowledge at my fingertips— I’ve built this little space to talk about some of the cool things I’m learning about! On here, you’ll find some of my methods for maintaining a decent healthy diet, some of my favorite ways to workout, what I do when I’m feeling hella anxious, or extra sad, and more. I’ll also be putting up some of my favorite self-care methods, like different face mask recipes, healthy coping mechanisms, and the little things I try to implement in my everyday routines to help find some balance.

I’m also super excited because having this page means that I get to collab with some of my favorite inspirations and friends! I’m fairly confident that I don’t know everything— so in my journey to grow more, I’m always looking to my friends and inspirations to learn something new. I’m excited to show ya’ll what we’ve been working on!

Stay tuned for more on this always-growing platform!

-Ambika// Ganges Gal :)

Semi-Healthy Breakfast Choices

Semi-Healthy Breakfast Choices